Once you have signed into SDARTT click on the Upload tab, click the drop down arrow and choose Disturbances and Reclamations. When the upload window opens, click on choose file, navigate to the file you wish to upload and either double click it or highlight it and click on the “open” button.
Next you are going to select the category type that matches the shapefile you are uploading. If you are uploading a combined file you will leave the select category at the default which is All (combined). Otherwise, you will need to click on the drop down arrow and choose the category type that matches the shapefile you are uploading. For example, if Energy (coal mine) is the shapefile being uploaded, select Energy (coal mine) from the drop down list.
At this point you have the option of associating your shapefile(s) with a pre-existing project. Once you have completed your selections, click on “Submit”. SDARTT will go ahead and analyze your data, checking for any errors or missing data, and returning any error and warning messages when it populates the spatial records and the associated map to the Disturbance and Reclamation Upload window.
In SDARTT you have the option of saving any record that does not have an actual error, so make sure to review warning messages prior to deciding to upload, as SDARTT changes warning record fields to correct the errors found. Hover over the word “warning” to open the warning message box. For errors, hover over the word “error” to review which fields have errors and what those errors are. Error records will need to be corrected and re-submitted. Once you have reviewed all this information and you want to upload the records that do not have errors you will go ahead and click on “Save Records That Have No Errors”.
When SDARTT finishes uploading the records the record status changes to “Uploaded” for any records that were uploaded, and “rejected” for any record that had a status of “error”. As well the message “One or more records were rejected (move your mouse over the “Rejected” text for details)” will appear below the map.
At this point you can review the error messages again, noting which fields need to be corrected in the records before you can upload them.
When you are ready, click the “continue” button. This will take you to a zoomed in view of the SDARTT map showing all of the polygons that were uploaded. And you are done.
Once you have signed into SDARTT go to the Tools tab, click on the drop down arrow and choose Project Tracking.
Once the Project Tracking Tool window opens select the project you wish to track and click the submit button. Only those projects that are in the SDARTT inventory will be listed in the drop down list.
The tool opens a new window that loads the shapefile and also loads data pertaining to the project. If you have any data in the Existing/Approved Disturbance Acres or the Projected Disturbance Acres these are clickable fields that link you to those places.
You can download this information to a pdf or csv file by clicking on the appropriate format. You can also, if you would like, enter your disturbance cap percentage to help you with your analysis.
Once you are done with the particular project you have chosen you have the option to go back to the Projects Window and choose another project by clicking the Projects button in the lower left side of the window. Otherwise, if you are done, just click the Cancel button and you will exit out of the Project Tracking Tool and go back to the main SDARTT map. And you’re done.
Use 'Draw' to draw a polygon around a disturbance and/or reclamation area to view an analysis of the area.
From the SDARTT map, click on the Draw tab. Navigate to the are you would like to draw your polygon. Hold down your left mouse button, draw your polygon and before you end up getting back to where you started and let go. Data for the are that you drew will then be displayed.
You have the option of exporting the data to a pdf file or a csv file by clicking on the desired format. You also have the option to enter your Disturbance Cap Percentage, if you would like, to help you with your analysis.
To draw another polygon, close the Analysis of Disturbance and Reclamation window then click on the Draw tab again and go through the same process.
To zoom in to get a closer look at the features you want to draw the polygon around use the plus (+) button in the upper left corner of the screen. To move the map around click and hold the left mouse button so the cursor changes to cross arrows and then drag the map. Releasing the left mouse button releases the map. You can also use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom the map in and out.
Again, once you are located where you want to be click on the “Draw” feature, left click to hold down the mouse button, draw your feature and then let go of the left mouse button and SDARTT will load the data. And there you have using the “Draw” function in SDARTT to return analysis data.
'Creating Shapefiles' is used to temporarily import shapefile data to the SDARTT map for analysis.
Once you have signed into SDARTT you may find it helpful to go ahead and zoom in closer on the map before you upload your file. You can do that by clicking the plus (+) zoom button or using the scroll wheel on your mouse as you can see you can scroll in or scroll out. To move the map around click and hold the left mouse button so the cursor changes to cross arrows and then drag the map. Releasing the left mouse button releases the map.
To start importing, click on the Import Shapefile tab, click on the Choose File button, navigate to where you have the folder that you are going to be uploading, select the file and then SDARTT will go ahead and load that data. Depending on the size of the file you are uploading this could take several seconds.
SDARTT will return for you various information about the shapefile that you uploaded. You can export the data to either a pdf or csv document. You are also able to go ahead and enter a disturbance cap percentage, if you would like, to help you in your analysis.
And so there you have temporarily uploading a shapefile to the SDARTT map for analysis.
You can use the DRECP tool to do the following: view boundaries, view project edit history, edit project data, and access analysis tables that incorporate California ACEC (Areas of Critical Environmental Concern) and California NCL (National Conservation Lands) data.
Click on the Tools drop down arrow, then click on Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
The DRECP window will open over the SDARTT map
Click the Select Project drop down arrow then click on the project you want to analyze
Click the Submit button
SDARTT will open a new map showing the boundaries of the specific project requested, as well as ACEC and NCL boundaries for California.
Click on the Analysis button to open the list of ACEC and NCL subunits that fall within the project boundary.
Click on each subunit link to open the related analysis table.
Each Subunit analysis table contains the following:
Name of the subunit
An identify icon next to the subunit name
Date the table was generated
The subunit cap percentage
Total subunit acres
Data for the 19 SDARTT disturbance categories
The category data is divided into the following:
Authorized Disturbances
Unauthorized Disturbances
Projected Disturbances
Total Disturbance acres
If an area has more than one subunit you will see a next > link at the bottom left side of the table. Clicking the link will take you to the next subunit table.
Disturbance acres do not include any reclamation acreage that has a “final” or “final approved” status.
Projected disturbances are those disturbances that are proposed to be built if the specific project is approved.
You can also download the data for the entire project to a .pdf, .shp, or .csv file by clicking the appropriate button in the upper right corner of the ACEC/NCL subunit list window.
Use Query to generate a report based on multiple criteria (an Ad-Hoc query).
Once you have signed into SDARTT click on the Query tab. The Ad Hoc Query window will open. There are several different field filter choices you can make to narrow down your query search or you can leave it a very broad search.
There are two basic kinds of fields; drop down menus and fields that you can type the actual data into. Notice that with the date fields you are able to put the date in one of three optional formats; month day year, month year and just year. Once you have completed making your filter choices click Submit.
The Results of Query table will open over the SDARTT map. Each project name is a clickable link that will take you to the specific project location on the SDARTT map and opens an additional window, the Identify Results window. When the Identify Results window first opens up it defaults to the All Features tab. You will want to click on the Report Features tab to locate the specific data for the project name you clicked on.
When you click on another project name the SDARTT map will zoom to that location and the data in the Identify window will change to match that location. You are also able to grab the map to move it by holding down the left mouse button, or zoom in or out using your mouse wheel or the “plus” and “minus” buttons in the upper left corner of the screen.
Another feature of the Query task is the ability to export the Query data. You can export to a pdf or csv document by clicking on the desired format or create a shapefile by clicking on “Create Shapefile”.
Once you are done you click on the “x” in the upper right hand corner of the screen to close the query table. You can run another query or go up to the Map Extent, click the drop down arrow and choose Full Extent and then clear the map by clicking the Clear button. To bring back the default features for the map go to the Legends tab, deselect Report Features and click All Features. The will populate the map with the data from the SDARTT inventory. And there you have running a SDARTT query.