Pinedale Anticline Project Office Wyoming Dept. of Game and Fish Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality Wyoming Dept. of Agriculture Wyoming BLM
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Search Locations

Ecological Site Description List

Name Description Minimum Required
Forb Quadrats
Minimum Required
Shrub Quadrats
Clayey (Cy) 10 - 14" Foothills & Basins West 50 50
Clayey (Cy) 7 - 9" Green River & Great Divide Basins 40 50
Gravely (Gr) 7 - 9" Green River & Great Divide Basins 50 50
Loamy (Ly) 10 - 14" Foothills & Basins West 30 35
Loamy (Ly) 7 - 9" GR & GDB - Big Sagebrush/Bunchgrass (Big Sagebrush/Bunchgrass) 40 25
Loamy (Ly) 7 - 9" GR & GDB - Mixed Grass/Big Sagebrush (Mixed Grass/Big Sagebrush) 50 30
Lowland (LL) 10 -14" Foothills & Basins West 50 50
Saline Lowland Drained (SLdr) 7 - 9" Green River & Great Divide Basins 50 35
Saline Subirrigated (SS) 10 - 14" Foothills & Basins West 50 50
Saline Upland (SU) 7 - 9" Green River & Great Divide Basins 50 50
Sandy (Sy) 7 - 9" Green River & Great Divide Basins 36 20
Shallow Clayey (SwCy) 10 - 14" Foothills & Basins West 50 50
Shallow Loamy (SwLy) 10 -14" Foothills & Basins West 50 50
Shallow Loamy (SwLy) 7 - 9" Green River & Great Divide Basins 50 50
Subirrigated (Sb) 15 - 19" P.Z., Foothills & Mountains 50 50
BLM Wyoming  |  Wyoming Department of Agriculture  |  Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality  |  Wyoming Game & Fish
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